About the Omarsea Crew

We are the Trefethens. After 10 years of planning we decided to sell our home and buy a sailboat. In November 2007 we departed Portland Oregon for the Virgin Islands and our 50 foot sloop the OMARSEA. Our three children Ben, Juli and Steve are enjoying the benefits of being homeschooled. Join us on our continuing adventures as we explore the East coast of America on the way to New Zealand.

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Tahiti Photos

 TAHITI: This is the view from the boat at her mooring in the marina area. Lots of rolling hillls and green fields. This is looking SE and you can see the clouds coming over the mountains. They dropped a huge amount of rain on us that night. Its a bit like Camelot where the rain comes at night and the days are sunny for the most part.
 Jean arrived and was greeted with much ado!  Here she is enjoying the sunrise over Tahiti with the shadows and suns rays playing over the island of Moorea . There is much magic here in this bay. We enjoyed the people, the warm waters, the reef was fun to dive. It was made that much more special by Jean's 5 week visit. The kids and I had missed her a great deal over the previous ten weeks sailing.
 Juli not to be outdone by the locals launched her own paddle boat and toured Cooks bay. Moorea the second Island we visited.She paddled well over a mile away from the Omarsea and when the wind came up was blessed to get a tow home by her Dad in the dinghy. I am very pleased at her adventurous nature and applaud her skills in kayaking.

 The Boy Scout Troop #489 has hit another milestone making it to Tahiti. Here the boys display the troop flag after passing a BOR or Board of Review givien by fellow American sailors who were once Boy Scouts themselves.
 The majesty of these islands can best be summed up in pictures like these. The light plays off the peaks setting valley in shadow. So much so that the sun rise was delayed in Cooks bay by 90 minutes and set 60 minutes early. This played havock on my solar charging schedule for computers and ships batteries.

Clouds are a fun way to pass the time offshore.
We have a book on cloud identification that we use.
 Moorea Mountains

 Sunset over Moorea

The Lookout over Cooks Bay photo op.


 Blue waters of the bay
 The old Catholic Church

The interior of Moorea from the Viewpoint

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing the pictures! I love the one of the bay. Is that the way the water really looks? Amazing!
