About the Omarsea Crew

We are the Trefethens. After 10 years of planning we decided to sell our home and buy a sailboat. In November 2007 we departed Portland Oregon for the Virgin Islands and our 50 foot sloop the OMARSEA. Our three children Ben, Juli and Steve are enjoying the benefits of being homeschooled. Join us on our continuing adventures as we explore the East coast of America on the way to New Zealand.

Sunday, February 22, 2015

February 2015 :
It's been quite a while since the kids looked this way. Something in common with the last time I wrote a  blog post.
Our trip across Northern New Zealand was really one of the highlights of our travels. The people we met were friendly and kind. We traveled to The Shire and saw Bilbo's house. Enjoyed the sights and sounds of Auckland. Had a wonderful dinner with our new friends there.
But all to soon it was time to come home once again. We packed up our things and shipped them home with us on the airplane. Jean took the kids ahead with her and I followed a month behind. I confess I was having a hard time giving up the New Zealand summer to fly back the North West winter. Burr! It was cold.
We spent last winter and spring getting reacquainted with life in the USA again. Benjamin enrolled in the local college in a dual program that will provide him with his High School diploma and up to three years of college credit. He is currently a Phi Beta Cappa in the honors program. Ben enjoys computer sciences and business. He just completed his Eagle Scout with BSA this Month.
  Juli and Steve have continued their home schooling and are looking forward to joining Ben at Portland Community college in due time. Juli as early as next spring and Steve about 18 months behind her. Juli is now a Venture scout with her sights set on becoming a "Ranger". The Venture Scout equivalent to the BSA Eagle Scout. Meanwhile Steve is a life scout with about twelve months till he too hits Eagle. As you can imagine this keeps Jean very busy between her full time job with the NRC and making sure the kids stay on target with their goals.
  I have been travelling back and forth between Oregon and the East coast quite a bit with my business. We have multiple rental units in Virginia and Maryland that I manage now. This promises to keep me busy through this spring  until I am able to complete the work and take a well deserved break from property management.
This will be Jean and I's 25th wedding anniversary in September. Yes I know you cant believe all that fun happened 25 years ago but I assure you that in fact it did. We are kicking around the idea of going to Hawaii. One of the few Pacific Island groups we have not seen. Any advice on where to go, what to see and the best times to visit would be greatly appreciated.
But I jump the gun. What about the boat some of you are wondering?  Well I am very happy to report that I am the proud ex-owner of the Omarsea. She sold through our friend and broker Sam Cannell  of Vining Yacht brokers/Whangarei, NZ last May. A Local Couple bought her and are preparing her for voyages back to Fiji and Tonga.
Though we no longer own the OMARSEA I have decided that the blog is one of the best ways to keep in touch with family and friends. So with that in mind I will be posting events in our lives of significance and hopefully fun.

Fair Winds;


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