About the Omarsea Crew

We are the Trefethens. After 10 years of planning we decided to sell our home and buy a sailboat. In November 2007 we departed Portland Oregon for the Virgin Islands and our 50 foot sloop the OMARSEA. Our three children Ben, Juli and Steve are enjoying the benefits of being homeschooled. Join us on our continuing adventures as we explore the East coast of America on the way to New Zealand.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

False Start

This morning we decided that the weather was right to leave on thursday. Jean was coming back from Rockville with provisions,i.e. candy for the kids. Together the kids and I worked all morning getting the boat ready to go. It was then we discovered that the long range radio was damaged.Without it we are blind to oncoming weather and we can not let our loved ones ashore know how we are. Both of these are dealbreakers for us so we will postpone until the radio is fixed. Right now the next weather window is next Tuesday. We hope to sail with the tide at noon on Tuesday.

Fair winds


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