We are begining the process of securing the sails against the 65mph winds expected on Sunday. In the above photo you can see the dinghys are tied down with heavy wratchet straps. Below we have wrapped the spare halyard around the mainsail and cover to keep it fro being torn. The storm is expected to hit us from the East but the winds will be from the South. That puts the gusts right on the beam of the boat pushing us against the dock. I will add several fenders between us and the dock as a precaution. The local fisherman have been up since 05:00 pulling their crab pots out of the bay so as not to loose them. Boat traffic is light otherwise as people have already headed to their home ports and secured their boats there. Our Marina is hauling boats at a rate of one every 20 minutes. The entire crew is involved in getting the out of state owners boats up on the hard before Sandy arrives. The crew of the Omarsea will be busy pulling down the bimini, dodger and cockpit cushions. These will be folded and placed up in what we call the "garage" or the old crew quarters. As to the storm- well I plan to reserve a room at the Inn for Sunday night. There we will watch movies, drink wine and generally have a good old fashion hurricane party. Keep us in your prayers.
Best of luck with the storm. Keep us posted.