About the Omarsea Crew

We are the Trefethens. After 10 years of planning we decided to sell our home and buy a sailboat. In November 2007 we departed Portland Oregon for the Virgin Islands and our 50 foot sloop the OMARSEA. Our three children Ben, Juli and Steve are enjoying the benefits of being homeschooled. Join us on our continuing adventures as we explore the East coast of America on the way to New Zealand.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Whangarei Town Basin Marina

The Sun comes up early now and sets late. The days will soon be very long as mid summer approaches. I was making coffee this morning when the rising sun burst through the companionway in a brilliance under the clouds to the East. The water with its millpond smoothness beckoned me to take a few snapshots. This is our backyard right now as seen over the dinghy astern.

 When we arrived a week ago the harbor was quite empty. Waiting on the influx of boats that were only now arring in Opua from Fiji, Australia and Tonga. Whangarei is a haven for us with shops and boating related repair places. The cruisers here have travelled many thousands of miles. Several I have met have sailed to Antarctica, done the NW passage and some have circumnavigated multiple times. The couple next to us are from McCall Idiaho. It's a small world.
 This is a view of part of the waterfront with it's shops and restaurants There is a good glass blowers here and several local bars. Its packed on the weekends..
 This is the Marina office and one of the local restaurants. Ok I admit I took the picture because I have to have this boat!  Wow what a go fast machine she must be.
These are our little friends that stop by each morning with their Mother. She has 10 to take care of. Makes three teenagers seem like a piece of cake. They are so comfortable with people Juli can almost pick them up. . The mother is ever watchful so the kids don't touch them.

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